Longing for...

My soul cries out to feel the fresh breath of air from the Mountains far away...
How I long to hear the rustle of the leaves in complete silence.
How far those days seem when on a cold rainy day,I used to sit by the window with a warm cup of tea in my hands, watching the clouds, listening to the rain. Ahhhh! the smell of the grass and earth after the rain . Heavenly!
Warm smiles on flushed faces that used to relax each part of my body down to the bone...
Comforting were those days to be with family and friends.
Where have those days gone I wonder!
I once read in a blog somewhere "I always wanted to live a different life" but how true these words ring for me too. Is this the life I wanted?
With just hope to keep me company in my moments of loneliness and despair. I plod on ahead to the unknown.


Anonymous said…
I feel exactly the same.........stuck in a city that i dont feel for...that does not feel for me...Oh! Darjeeling...Oh! Home...
"Home is where the heart is"??????but my heart is always at Home .... and Home is only where my family is.

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