Changed the title of my blog

 I changed the name of my blog from "In Search" to "Late Bloomer Diaries". This decision came after big dilemma on whether I should start a new blog or just change the name of this blog.  For quite some time I had been thinking of keeping a journal of my flower gardening hobby, photography, my birding trips, my painting and sketching journey. I just need to post them somehow on this blog and not just on my instagram handle @piddykaboz where I post my sketches and paintings. I post my photographs on intagram handle @piddyz_lens.  Then I saw one of my earlier post Late Bloomer 2021 and decided that this would be a fitting name for my blog. 

On a deeper level I think I can say now, that I have found what I was looking for; arrived where I needed to reach. The feeling "But I still haven't found what I am looking for"-U2 is but fleeting these days. Also John Mayer's "Somethings missing" does beat in my heart sometimes albeit fleetingly. Go ahead click those links and give it a listen. You won't regret it. 

Orchid in Bloom-Darjeeling

This is the photo my Orchid which bloomed for the first time last year in 2022. Date of picture 8 Dec 2022. This was a really pleasant surprise. This year too the orchid plant is showing promise so keeping my fingers crossed for a beautiful bloom. I was able to split the orchid plant into two pots so I am hoping maybe Iwill get two full orchid blooms in the future. 

Orchid Bloom Dec 2022

These orchids were planted by "Ama and Appa" (Mom and Dad) I brought them here when we shifted from our flat. So these flower have a special significance and place in my heart. I remember sharing these photos with them and I think they were very happy. Earlier, tt might have bloomed once when we used to live in that old flat of ours. I now remember that I had split the plant and taken one to our new house in siliguri for Ama-Appa but it didn't survive the hot weather of the plains. It was a foolish move considering that these orchids only survive in the hills. But most of the times, if not always, sentiments does override logic. 
I think I have rambled enough for today. So until the next post Ta! Ta!


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