The search...

"What's to lose? What is the worst that can happen? Am I content to live the rest of my life this way? Against a background of death, is this so risky?

-(Dr. Brian Weiss-Only Love is Real)
It's not about losing love but about solving the unresolved questions within oneself. Disillusionment resulting from fear and the unknown -the incessant questions arising about oneself and the world. Love is never lost its only the perspective that is lost. Life is about finding oneself within this wilderness of confusion.

Why do we constantly scamper around in fear trying to find security when we know that the only thing that matters is living life in the here and now. Why do we keep on living and try to build our lives as if we will live forever?

Its not about losing love its finding the voice within oneself to live the life we have dreamed of. "If you know the life you want to lead, then you must have the courage to live it", a wise one once said to me. How true, yet sad when many of us crumble against the deadening pressure of our daily lives.

At the end of the day it does not matter what I have accomplished, all that matters is what I feel about myself; whether I have lived the life of my dreams and ideals.

We see fleeting glimpses of ourselves in those vague moments when we are totally unaware. I think the whole idea is to find that person within and make the picture clearer.

Find yourself and you find love...

also read related to this: The Sojourn me


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