Late Bloomer 2021

Times have been crazy-2020 and then 2021 of course! The weather in the Darjeeling hills too has been very crazy. It's still cold and windy while spring is almost gone. 
It took a lot of time for my Azaleas to bloom. This is the first bloom of 2021and it feels like a warm sunshine on a cold foggy day.

Some bloom early, some bloom late but when they do they bring happiness and lighten the heart.
I find gardening a really spiritual experience while I keep drawing analogies in the cycles of the plants and flowers. People too are like flowers. Some bloom early and some bloom late. Some achieve early and young and some quite late in life. The circumstances of our lives are quite like the weather. For some its the favorable warm and sunny weather and for some its the cold, harsh and windy weather. 
But the blooms will come in their own time, sometimes defying the laws of nature. I remember a line from a song by Tupac “Did u hear about the rose that grew from a crack in the concrete?” 

Gardening has really helped me during the #covid19 lockdown period as I spent most of my time nurturing my two kids and my plants. Its literally the same thing to watch your children and plants grow. Gardening helps me to reconnect with nature and clear my thoughts while working on the plants be it weeding, repotting or turning the compost. For these azaleas I collected humus from the forest and it was an enriching experience to look at the rich soil that the forest produces naturally. 

So yes take time to grow a plant or a flower. Watch it for some time everyday and it will truly nourish your mind and soul. And don't lose heart for your time will surely come for some bloom late

P.S. I have been getting some queries on growing azaleas so I will be writing a detailed post about growing azaleas. Stay tuned. 

This post is part of ‘Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter

Azaleas in full Bloom in Darjeeling
Azaleas in full bloom


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